Indicating a massive government FINANCIAL FRAUD, slavery of some indian domain investors,Indore’s top CHEATER raw employee deepika/veena does not want to take the risk of investing money in domains, yet gets a monthly government salary for making fake claims of domain ownership since 2010 ruthlessly CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING the real domain investor, a single woman engineer, her relative who is paying a huge amount annually for the domain renewals
To cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY , the DISHONEST LIAR CHEATER indore officialS/leaders promoting deepika/veena like the greedy goan officials promoting goan CALL GIRL raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar who have also not invested money in domains, are criminally defaming the real domain investor, making fake allegations of security threat, cheating , and black money without any kind of legally valid proof. against the single woman and repeating their lies like parrots to create the illusion of truth
If Indore’s top CHEATER raw employee deepika/veena wanted the domains, she can easily purchase the domains paying the market price in the last 13 years, yet because indore cheater raw employee is extremely GREEDY, RISK AVERSE, has no experience, she does not purchase the domains, yet gets a monthly government salaries only for making FAKE CLAIMS indicating widespread government FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector.